Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 8

Today was my first day only eating two meals, and I have to say it actually wasn't that bad.

I woke up with energy, almost too much, to the point where I woke up too early and couldn't fall back asleep. I got up and took Jordan to work and then went to Starbucks (brutal when you can't have coffee) and ordered some herbal tea while I searched the internet for craigslist furniture for his apartment. When I got back home I napped and then took my herbs (3R, 3P, 4B) and half hour later took my Combi shake, this time mixed with a Naked Juice Green Power smoothie (about 1/2 a cup full) and that was a good combo. I finally ate "breakfast" at about 12:45: my cereal, blackberries, a banana and a pear.

I really didn't think about food the entire rest of the day, and I wasn't hungry. I took another round of the herbs/shake around 4, and we ate dinner around 7. We went to Jason's Deli, where they have an awesome salad bar. Plus I ordered a plain baked potato. I'm thinking because you are only supposed to eat twice a day your meals can be a little bigger? Wishful thinking maybe?

So now anytime after eating I have about a 30-45 min window before I need to RUN to the bathroom. It comes on quick, I'm telling you.

I wasn't hungry really at all today, even though I didn't eat as much as I normally do. I'm feeling positive about the 2x a day eating.

xo xo

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